Secure Global Desktop Administration Guide > Clients and webtops > Relocating the browser-based webtop to your own JSP container

Relocating the browser-based webtop to your own JSP container

The browser-based webtop is a JavaServer Pages (JSP) application which you can relocate to your own JSP container. The JSP container can be on the same host as Secure Global Desktop or on a different host.

Note You can't relocate the classic webtop.

To use your own JSP container, the container must support:

Note Once you relocate the webtop to your JSP container, you have to manually upgrade the webtop by following the above steps for each new release.

To relocate the browser-based webtop:

  1. Re-configure the ports used by the Secure Global Desktop Web Server.
  2. Copy the webtop web application to your JSP container.
  3. Copy the required library and class files.
  4. Configure the web services endpoints.
  5. Restart your JSP container and the Secure Global Desktop Web Server.
  6. Log in to the relocated webtop.

Note If you are using third party authentication, you may also want to configure a new trusted user for the relocated webtop.

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