The screenshot shows the Automatic SQL Tuning Settings page. There are three buttons on the right-hand side of the page, near the top. In order, from left to right, they are Show SQL, Revert, and Apply.

Below the title there are four modifiable settings. The first setting is Maximum Time Spent Per SQL During Tuning (sec), followed by text field for input, which currently shows the value 1200. The second setting is Automatic Implementation of SQL Profiles, followed by two options, Yes (selected) and No. The third setting is Maximum SQL Profiles Implemented Per Execution, followed by a text input field, which currently shows the value 20. The fourth setting is Maximum SQL Profiles Implemented (Overall), followed by a text input field, which currently shows the value 10000.

At the bottom of the screenshot, on the left-hand side, is the statement "TIP You need to login as SYS to make the change."

End of description.