The Guided Workflow page is shown.Page Refreshed show Apr 27 2007 2:20:30 PM PDT. The Refresh button is shown. The View Data list shows Real Time: 15 Second Refresh.The text reads: "The following guided workflow contains the sequence of steps necessary to execute a successful two-trial SQL Performance Analyzer test. Note: Be sure that the Trial environment matches the tests you want to conduct."The table has the following columns: Step, Description, Executed, Status, and Execute.Row 1 has the following values: 1, Create SQL Performance Analyzer Task based on SQL Tuning Set, null, (small square icon), (arrow icon).Row 2 has the following values: 2, Replay SQL Tuning Set in Initial Environment, null, (small square icon), (grayed out arrow).Row 3 has the following values: 3, Replay SQL Tuning Set in Changed Environment, null, (small square icon), (grated out arrow).Row 4 has the following values: 4, Compare Step 2 and Step 3, null, (small square icon), (grayed out arrow).Row 5 has the following values: 5, View Trial Comparison Report, null, (small square icon), (grated out arrow).

End of description.