The screenshot shows the Services page for the orac database. At the top of the page on the left-hand side are 3 tabs: Modules, Activity (selected), and Statistics. On the top of the page at the right-hand side is the date of the last refresh and a Refresh button.

The first chart shown in the screenshot charts the Active Sessions per wait class over time. There is a Wait Class action list, which currently has the value All selected. The wait classes charted in the graph are: Other, Cluster, Queuing, Network, Administration, Configuration, Commit, Application, Concurrency, System I/O, User I/O, Scheduler, and CPU. The wait class with the highest number of active sessions in this chart is Application. Below the chart is a slide bar which is used to select a 30 minute analysis period in the Activity chart.

The next section in the screenshot is Details for Selected 30 Minute Intervals. The Start Time for this interval is shown as Feb 20, 2007 4:00:54 PM. On the right-hand side is a button labeled Run ASH Report. There are two tables displayed in this section: Top SQL and Top Session.

The Top SQL table shows the Activity percent, SQL Hash Value and SQL Type for the Top SQL statements during the selected 30 minute interval. In this image the top SQL is a SELECT statement with an activity percentage of 73.96. At the top of the Top SQL table is an Actions list, followed by a Go button. The Action currently selected is Schedule SQL Tuning Advisor.

The Top Sessions table shows the Activity percent, Session ID, User Name and Program for the top session during the selected 30 minute interval. In this image the top session is an OMS program started by SYSMAN, with an activity percentage of 67.61. At the top of the Top Sessions table is a View list, with the value Top Sessions currently selected.

End of description.