This graphic describes the tables in the SH schema and their dependencies.

The costs table has the columns prod_id, time_id, unit_cost, and unit_price. Each product in the costs table may be associated with one time_id in the times table and with one product in the products table.

The products table has the columns prod_id (primary key), prod_name, prod_desc, prod_subcategory, prod_subcat_desc, prod_category, prod_category_desc, prod_weight_class, prod_unit_of_measure, prod_pack_size, supplier_id, prod_status, prod_list_price, and prod_min_price. Each product may be related to one or more costs in the cost table and to one or more sales in the sales table.

The promotions table has the columns promo_id (primary key), promo_category, promo_cost, promo_begin_date, and promo_end_date. Each promotion may be related to one or more sales in the sales table.

The sales table has the columns prod_id, cust_id, time_id, channel_id, promo_id, quantity_sold, and amount_sold. Each sale may have one association with a promotion, a channel, a product, a time, and a customer.

The channels table has the columns channel_id (primary key), channel_description, and channel_class. Each channel may be associated with one or more sales.

The customers table has the columns customer_id (primary key), cust_first_name, cust_last_name, cust_gender, cust_year_of_birth, cust_marital_status, cust_street_address, cust_postal_code, cust_city, cust_state_province, cust_main_phone_number, cust_income_level, cust_credit_limit, and cust_email. Each customer may be associated with one or more sales and with one country.

The times table has the columns time_id (primary key), day_name, day_number_in_week, day_number_in_month, calendar_week_number, fiscal_week_number, week_ending_day, calendar_month_number, fiscal_month_number, calendar_month_desc, fiscal_month_desc, days_in_cal_month, days_in_fis_month, end_of_cal_month, end_of_fis_month, calendar_month_name, fiscal_month_name, calendar_quarter_desc, fiscal_quarter_desc, days_in_cal_quarter, days_in_fis_quarter, end_of_cal_quarter, end_of_fis_quarter, calendar_quarter_number, fiscal_quarter_number, calendar_year, fiscal_year, days_in_cal_year, days_in_fis_year, end_of_cal_year, end_of_fis_year. Each time may be associated with one or more cost and one or more sale.

The countries table has the columns country_id (primary key), country_name, country_subregion, and country_region. Each country may be associated with one or more customers.