

mkpasswd [options] [domain]
This program prints a /etc/passwd file to stdout.
Options are
    -l,--local          print local accounts
    -d,--domain         print domain accounts
                        (from current domain if no domain
    -g,--local-groups   print local group information too
    -?,--help           displays this message

This program does only work on Windows NT.

The mkpasswd program can be used to help configure your Windows system to be more UNIX-like by creating an initial /etc/passwd substitute (some commands need this file) from your system information. To initially set up your machine, use the following example’s declarations as a guide.

mkdir /etc
mkpasswd > /etc/passwd
This information is static. If you change the user information in your system, regenerate the passwd file for it to have the new information.

The -d and -l options allow you to specify where the information derives, either the default (or given) domain (-d), or the local machine (-l).
