Assembler options for Hitachi SH 

There are several assembler options for the Hitachi SH targets. General assembler options for Hitachi SH

To use the GNU assembler, as, to assemble gcc output, configure gcc with the switch, --with-gnu-as (in GNUPro Toolkit distributions) or with the option, -mgas, described in the following discussion.

Assembler options for listing output for Hitachi SH

Use the following options to enable listing output from the assembler (the letters after ‘-a’ may be combined into one option, such as -aln):

High-level listings require that a compiler debugging option like ‘-g’ be used and, also, that assembly listings like ‘-al’ be requested.

as listing-control directives for Hitachi SH

Use the following listing-control assembler directives to control the appearance of the listing output (if you do not request listing output with one of the -a options, the following listing-control directives have no effect).
